Gabe, Spare Parts Interpreter – Lithgow

Gabe is one of our spare parts interpreters here at Auto Parts Central Lithgow.

Bringing over 10 years of automotive experience to the team here at Auto Parts Central, Gabe has a strong passion for cars. He often spends his spare time working on either his cars or friends’ cars, and loves solving mechanical problems.

Gabe is a valued member of our Auto Parts Central team, and always works to give customers the best service and advice possible.

Fun facts

Let’s start with your name and your first ever car?

Hi My name is Gabe and my First Car was an N13 Nissan Pulsar

What is your everyday driver?

Hyundai Getz is now my choice. I was using the foot Ferrari’s (my Feet) to get about for 18 months

What does a typical day look like for you?

Believe it or not my days are Busy! It’s never the same day twice and I love it!

What kind of problems do you solve on a daily basis?

A typical day for me involves customer service and sourcing the right parts at the right price. Supplying any automotive part, from a 1906 Ford to a brand new Mercedes-Benz, we try and solve the problem of finding the right parts.

What is your favourite part about working at Auto Parts Central?

Working with a good team and solving problems for local mechanics.

How does Auto Parts Central differ from its competitors?

30+ years being a locally owned and operated business, employing qualified staff – none of our competitors can claim that. I really enjoy working at Auto Parts Central, we have a great team and it makes work enjoyable!

What is your all time favorite race around Mount Panorama?

I’m not a huge motorsport fan, but I am interested more in the mechanical side of motor racing, which is why I got into being a parts interpreter. I love solving those little mechanical problems!

If you had $250,000 what car would you buy?

Probably anything optioned with an LS7 or LSX. V8 Power!!