Phil May, Lithgow Store Manager
Phil is the Lithgow Store Manager here at Auto Parts Central.
A qualified automotive mechanic, Phil brings over 25 years of automotive experience to Auto Parts Central, working for many years as the assistant manager, Phil stepped up to store manager in 2019. Phil has a deep passion for classic cars, particularly Holdens.
Phil continuously works to ensure that customers are receiving the best service and problem resolution in the area. If there is a problem, you can be sure that Phil will give his absolute best to rectify the problem.

Fun facts
Let’s start with your name and your first ever car?
Phil May and my first ever car was an EJ Holden
What is your everyday driver?
My current daily driver is a 2021 Kia Cerato
What does a typical day look like for you?
Busy! Most days consist of helping and taking customer orders (I would average a phone call about every 5-10 minutes). Therefore, I have to ensure the team is always able to work efficiently! Within that time we have to work out pricing, order the correct parts from supplies (if needed), organise freight, and make sure invoices are correct and sent to our warehouse for part picking.
While the above doesn’t sound like much, when we have a different problem or customer every 5-10 minutes, it can become very fast-paced!
What kind of problems do you have to solve on a daily basis?
A lot of problems we experience are either in freight – i.e the supplier has packed an incorrect part within a box; or the part listing are incorrect, resulting in us choosing the wrong products from our suppliers; or just simple freight delays. However, no problem is too big or too small here, and we always try to find a solution for our customers.
What is your favourite part about working at Auto Parts Central?
Working with a good team and solving problems for local mechanics.
How does Auto Parts Central differ from its competitors?
We pride ourselves on the fact that all of the customer service/parts interpreters come from a technical background – almost all of us are qualified mechanics, and all of us have years of automotive experience! We can understand our customers’ problems and deliver the best technical advice. After all, at one stage we used to be in their [the customers’] boots!
What is your all time favourite race around Mount Panorama?
I don’t necessarily have one favourite race, but I really enjoy the mechanical side of the race, the engineering of the vehicles is very interesting! I love how technically advanced and different the race is from the 90’s through to now.
If you had $250,000 what car would you buy?
I would say getting an original/restored EJ holden.