Ian has over 10 years of experience in the automotive industry. Ian’s passion lies within his cars and any motorsport. Ian is proud to live in Bathurst and be an active contributor to the success of Auto Parts Central Bathurst.
Ian is continuously involved in the community with spending his free time either helping friends with their cars, going to race events or spending time with his friends.

Fun facts
Let’s start with your name and your first ever car?
Ian and my first car was a GB Galant that I used for motorkhanas when I was 12, my first road car was a Camira SLi2000
What is your everyday driver?
A Ford Ranger
Tell me about a typical day as a Spare Parts Interpreter?
My days vary a lot a cross a week with school drop offs and a second job. From when I walk into BrakePro though I say a quick g’day to everyone, then help with unpacking so we can get overnight deliveries out ASAP, move onto putting stock away, while answering the phones, taking a few deliveries out, just keeping busy.
What kind of problems do you deal with?
I don’t tend to really think of them as being problems here, becuase particularly between Ben, Aden and Craig they are pretty good at overcoming any challenges people throw at them.
How does Brakepro differ from its competitors?
I think the passion that everyone here has for the industry and cars. And having such a huge range of stock that we get for you makes it easier for you to get the right part fast.
What is your all time favourite race around Mount Panorama?
The 1991 race, I have an R32 GT-R V-Spec II so that race is pretty special. The overall race record set by genuine Group A touring cars with standard aero and massive drag then took about 20 years to break which shows how amazing those cars were.
If you had $250,000 what car would you buy?
I would probably rebuild my GT-R, short of an F-40 that was my dream car and maybe update the Ranger.